YouTube Ad Skipping: 7 Ways for an Ad-Free Experience YouTube Ad Skipping: 7 Ways for an Ad-Free Experience

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Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


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Have you ever found yourself streaming a video on YouTube only to be greeted by an ad that irritates you to the ends of the Earth? You're not alone!

The inevitable video ads are part of the platform, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. With a few adjustments, you can gain back control and make the experience a little less disruptive.

By slightly tweaking your settings and getting savvy with ad blockers, you can reclaim your streaming freedom. So if you're looking for an easier way to avoid online ads, there's no excuse for putting off finding an effective solution; we'll cover all of that here!

In this blog post, we will discuss the different ways to bypass those annoying video ads. We will also discuss other hacks that can help you continue your viewing pleasure, whether using a PC or a mobile device.

But first, let us answer one simple question:

Why Does YouTube Play Ads?

YouTube is one of the many entertainment behemoths we know and love today, giving users different quality content from all corners of the world.

But such a broad, global viewing experience doesn’t come for free — YouTube relies on advertising income to power its digital empire, from paying talented content creators through revenue share to maintaining its server for streaming services and, of course, to earning to become a profitable company.

Unfortunately for users, ads can get in the way of your favorite show or music video.

But YouTube would not leave you without an option. The streaming giant has you covered with Ads Skipping; this feature allows viewers to click on the Skip Ads button after a few seconds of countdown.

In this scenario, everyone has something to gain: YouTube earns its much-needed revenue (even for a bit since you skipped the ad after the countdown), and users stay caught up on their favorite content.

However, not all ads allow for ad skipping. There are instances when you are required to watch the ad until the end. And sometimes, even if you are able to skip the first ad, you are faced with a new one! If you have been watching a really interesting video, this can be infuriating.

How Do You Skip YouTube Ads?

It is no secret that ads on YouTube have become increasingly intrusive in recent years. Whether you are trying to catch up on your favorite influencers, listen to your favorite song, or watch a classic movie clip, the dreaded ads have been known to ruin all the fun!

Fortunately, some tricks and tips can help you dodge these pesky commercials to get back to enjoying content without interruption. You don’t need special gadgets or devices; most of these methods are available across different platforms, including PCs and mobile devices.

So why put up with ads when it takes some savvy knowledge and a couple of clicks to conquer them?

Read on as we unearth all the little secrets of effectively skipping ads in no time!

Buying Youtube Premium

If you’re looking for a straightforward way to browse YouTube without ads, one option to consider is investing in YouTube Premium. This streaming service gives you access to an ad-free experience and the ability to download videos for offline viewing.

However, buying YouTube Premium can be a bit expensive, depending on your geolocation.

For example, in the United States, YouTube Premium costs $11.99 per month for an individual plan and $22.99 for a family plan of up to five people. In the United Kingdom, it's priced at £11.99 and £19.99, respectively.

On the other hand, if you live in Argentina, you're in luck; YouTube Premium only costs ARS 389 (equivalent to $2.46) for an individual plan or ARS 689 (equivalent to $4.36) for a family plan with five members — that's much cheaper than anywhere else!

Thankfully, there’s a way to purchase Youtube Premium using the cheapest plan from Argentina! All you need is a VPN, a credit card, and a valid Argentinian address. With these, you’ll be able to surf the site seamlessly with no lingering ads or pop-ups distracting you from the content.

Here’s how to do that:

Step 1: Turn on a VPN and connect it to Argentina.

If you don’t have one, try (free but can be used on mobile only) or Tunnelbear (you can get the trial if you want). Make sure to check if Google is indeed detecting your IP to be based in Argentina. If not, then you need to connect through a different VPN.

Step 2: Open Incognito Mode in Browser.

Once connected, open up an incognito tab in your browser and log in to YouTube using the account you want to use.

Go to and select either the individual or family plan.

Note: If this page shows that Youtube Premium is not available in your area, it means Google/Youtube has detected that you are using a VPN! You would have to start all over again using a different VPN connection.

Step 3: Proceed with Payment.

Make sure you enter a credit or debit card that is not associated with any other Google property so that Google doesn’t detect that you are simply spoofing your location.

Don’t forget to input an Argentinian billing address. To find an address to use, open Google maps and wait for it to pinpoint your IP's location (since you’re using a VPN).

If that doesn't work, then open your browser and select a location in Argentina within your resulting IP's city, then copy the details.

You can also try switching to a different Argentinian IP. Just make sure to close the browser and start all over again to prevent dropping the VPN connection in the middle of the transaction.

Step 4: Verify Payment

Now that’s all done and dusted, confirm the payment and subscription — and voila! You’re subscribed to a Youtube Premium account for a meager two bucks a month!

Close the incognito browser and log in to your account using a regular browser. Don’t worry about having to use a VPN every time you use Youtube Premium; you can stream videos without it since the account is already paid.

Other Options for Youtube Ad Skipping

Now if Youtube Premium via Argentinian IP is not for you (if it doesn’t work or your VPN can’t give you a decent Argentinian IP), not to worry! There are a few more ways to skip Youtube Ads without subscribing to Youtube Premium.

Let us enumerate them:

For PC Only

1. uBlock Origin

If you do most of your Youtube watching on your PC, consider installing uBlock Origin.

uBlock Origin is an efficient and powerful tool that allows you to skip YouTube ads. It's available as a free browser extension for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. With uBlock Origin, you can easily block annoying ads on YouTube in just a few clicks.

To use it, all you need to do is add the browser extension and then go to your YouTube settings. From there, you can choose the “no ads” option, which will block all YouTube ads while still allowing you to watch videos uninterrupted.

But uBlock Origin is more than just an ad blocker; it’s a super-efficient content filter that blocks ads, malicious tracking sites, and malware sources. An exceptionally powerful combination of EasyList, EasyPrivacy, and Peter Lowe’s Blocklist & Online Malicious URL Blocklist work perfectly to protect you.

The great thing about uBO is that it is completely free, so you don’t have to worry about any extra costs or payments.

2. AdBlock Plus

For many web surfers, Adblock Plus (ABP) is the most desired browser extension for a freedom-filled online experience on desktop computers. As the first open-source, cross-platform application that effectively blocks pesky advertisements, it provides an effortless solution to navigating the often tedious ocean of ads on various websites.

This breakthrough is brought to you courtesy of Eyeo GmbH and its creator, Wladimir Palant, finally allowing users to rebel against overwhelming streams of distractions.

After installing the extension and enabling it in your active browser, all it takes is a simple click for your browsing session to be free from interruptions from now on!

However, AdBlock Plus is less adept at blocking social media trackers than advertisements, and it can only filter 43% of trackers at most. If you don’t want to deal with trackers collecting your data, it is highly recommended that you use AdBlock Plus together with a VPN of your choice.

For Mobile Only

3. Youtube Vanced Ads

Vanced Ads is an app that can offer viewers a better viewing experience than the streaming giant’s app. It has characteristics like background playback and ad-blocking, meaning users can get an uninterrupted video-watching time with zero ads or pop-ups when watching from an Android device.

In addition, it also includes options of changing themes between black and white options, making the viewing environment comforting to different users’ preferences. Aside from blocking all ads, it also offers picture-in-picture viewing and background music playing.

Among numerous alternatives, one of its most unique features is the capability to download videos directly from their storage without any disruption or waiting time. What’s more, you can even download only audio files with just a few taps if watching videos is not your cup of tea.

However, the app’s efficacy has degraded over time, with some persistent ads coming through as the company has not been updating its app recently.

4. NewPipe

NewPipe is an incredibly useful app for those seeking a hassle-free, ad-free experience of watching YouTube — without having to pay for it. Thanks to its clever implementation of the YouTube APIs, NewPipe can circumvent any ads and links that would otherwise disrupt our viewing pleasure. It runs on almost all Android devices, making it the most robust and reliable ad blocker for YouTube.

Concerns about downloading a third-party app for use on a personal device are understandable, but when it comes to NewPipe, there’s no need to worry. NewPipe is an open-source application hosted on GitHub. Its codebase has been checked and certified by many dedicated developers who ensure the app is updated and maintained.

So with this free YouTube adblocker for Android devices, you can be sure that your data is safe and secure while you enjoy streaming videos without annoying ads. However, this app is unavailable in Google Playstore.

You can download it directly from its website ( or from F-Droid repository, then install the APK directly on your mobile device.

For BOTH Desktop and Mobile

5. Adguard

Adguard offers the ultimate ad-blocking protection, ensuring you can browse the web without interruptions. Whether you’re using Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android devices, they have something for everyone.

On top of their standalone programs, Adguard also offers browser extensions for the top browsers available today, including Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

If you’re serious about keeping your online browsing safe from intrusive ads and tracking scripts, then Adguard is certainly the tool for you. Their range of packages offers tailored solutions based on your needs and preferences. June 2021 saw the introduction of more protection with Adguard VPN, which adds an extra layer of anonymity for those who require it.

What sets Adguard apart from other such services is that it maintains maximum control but doesn’t overcomplicate things, breaking away from lengthy advanced technical settings often seen with other software solutions.

However, only the browser extensions can be used for free. The standalone programs come at $2.49 per month. However, the browser extensions are sometimes good enough for simple Youtube Ad blocking.

6. Brave Browser

Brave Browser is an excellent choice for a hassle-free, ad-free experience – whether you’re using a desktop or mobile device. It has been designed from the ground up to provide its users with more control over how they browse the web.

Brave optimizes page loading speed by blocking third-party ads and cookies that clutter your screen, resulting in faster page loading times and more efficient use of data. Plus, it also provides reliable malware protection and works seamlessly with other browsers.

As an added bonus, Brave also rewards its users for viewing privacy-respecting ads with tokens that can be redeemed for gift cards or used to support content creators.

The mobile browser comes with an integrated ad blocker, and the HTTPS-Everywhere trait encrypts your online activity, so you can surf the web without ads and be sure your data is safe from unauthorized access.

Wrapping Up

With YouTube ads now more pervasive than ever, you’d really want to skip over them to get to the good stuff. Thankfully, some easy steps can be taken on PCs and mobile phones to block those pesky ads.

Whether you choose uBlock Origin, Brave Browser, or any of the options mentioned above, you'll be able to enjoy an ad-free experience on YouTube. By giving these options a try, you'll soon find the one that works best for your situation and get back to enjoying free, uninterrupted video viewing.

So don't wait any longer – give these tools a try and start taking control of your online experience!

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