Announcing Launch of Anstrex In-stream Spy Tool Announcing Launch of Anstrex In-stream Spy Tool


TikTok Ads and Much More

Picture of Hiren Shah
Hiren Shah


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' TikTok Ad Campaigns?

Our spy tools monitor millions of TikTok ads from over 55+ countries. Biggest TikTok Ad Library in E-commerce and Mobile Apps!


Today, we are excited to announce soft launch of Anstrex In-Stream ad intelligence spy tool. This tool will cover in-stream video ads on various social apps as the name suggests.

We are currently focusing on in-stream ads on TikTok as it is the fastest growing product with most lucrative demographic for online marketers. TikTok ads provide massive user base with very precise demographic targeting and most importantly a very non-obtrusive ad insertion leading to a pleasant experience for the end user and excellent performance for the advertiser.

Our goal in developing this product is to provide our customers with ads relevant to e-commerce and mobile app/games verticals which offer best ROI for the advertisers. In the future, we may expand our offerings to other verticals.

The tool itself will be second to none as it evolves. Here are some features that makes our product unique compared to our competitors:

  1. Most Creatives: We are currently adding more relevant creatives than any other tool out there. Our algorithm focuses on e-commerce and mobile app/games vertical and we filter out big brand ads and other non-relevant verticals to give you highest number of ads relevant to your interests.
  2. Most Countries: We cover all the countries (currently 58) with latest ads from each country on a daily basis. The other competing tools don't cover as many countries in spite claiming otherwise.
  3. Top Notch Filtering and Searching: We provide you with best search experience
    1. Filter the data using all the important parameters such as demographic, gender, dates, duration, likes, views, OS, and many others
    2. Search ads using keywords on the creative text message
    3. Search ads using text on CTA button
    4. Search ads in foreign language using English as we translate all the non-English ads
    5. Search ads using text on the landing page as we index all the landing page data
    6. Advanced boolean searching for creating complicated search expressions
    7. Save and recall your search for later use
  4. Real Time Alerts: You can monitor your competitors and other interesting advertisers using our alert tool. You will get notified when a new ad campaign is launched by your competitor.
  5. Product Research & Store Analytics: Our product research tool identifies trending products and store analytics tool gives you insights into each store in terms of their traffic distribution, views, gender/age distribution and primary traffic sources.
  6. No Data Capping: All our competitors are imposing data caps in terms of number of daily queries and the ads you can view based on the subscription plan you purchase. We don't believe crippling our users with artificial caps. We will have a single subscription plan which will provide unlimited data to our customers.

Accessing Anstrex In-Stream (Current Subscribers)

While the tool is in beta, all our paid subscribes will have access to this tool. You can access this tool through our product selection dropdown on the top left corner as shown below

Accessing Anstrex In-Stream (Current subscribers)

Accessing Anstrex In-Stream (Registered Non-Paying Users)

If you already have an account on Anstrex but are not currently subscribed to any product, you may login with your credentials and you will be redirected to Anstrex In-stream. If you don't remember your credentials, kindly reset your password

You will have full access to the product for free while it is in beta.

Accessing Anstrex In-Stream (New User)

If you are new to Anstrex and have not registered with Anstrex, please visit the Anstrex In-Stream product page and follow the registration link to register your account. All we will need is a valid email and a password. No payment method is required.

You will have full access to the product for free while it is in beta.

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