Spy On Profitable Native Ads
Uncover Profitable Push Ads
Largest TikTok Ads Library
Find Hottest Dropship Products
Secrets of Pop Ads Unleashed
If your campaigns are already generating revenue but you want to reach more people or gain more sales, then it's time to scale your TikTok Ads! Here's how to do that.
Feb 15
To succeed in dropshipping, choosing the right niche is crucial. Not all niches are profitable, but we'll discuss here here those that you must really avoid. Keep reading!
Nov 23
Native advertising has its perks which include a high success rate and high CTR, but, this does not guarantee your ads would be successful. Native ads are bound to have poor results if you don’t do it right. This is where this article can help you!
Jul 1
Thinking of a new way to promote your products? Native advertising might work for you! Find out what works for this ad format in 2021.
Apr 7
Want to see what your competitors are doing? Thanks to adspy tools, you can have that competitive intelligence with very little time and effort.
Mar 30
Trending verticals in push ads notification which have been showing a lot of promise the past few months.
Mar 10
If you’re still feeling your way around and couldn’t quite land on a niche or offer that is profitable, sit back and read through this post.
We have been receiving a strong feedback from our customers to include several small countries which were not available on our native spy tool. We are glad to announce that the wait is finally over!
Feb 21
Filtering ad campaigns on Anstrex platform has become even more powerful. You can now find campaigns based on various landing page platforms such as e-commerce, blogs, arbitrage etc.
Jan 4
We are excited to announce addition of a new ad network, PowerInbox, on our native ad intelligence tool. We are the first and the only native ad spy tool to have this network. Check it out.
Jun 25