Maximizing Sales: The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Ads Shopify 2024


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' TikTok Ad Campaigns?

Our spy tools monitor millions of TikTok ads from over 55+ countries. Biggest TikTok Ad Library in E-commerce and Mobile Apps!

As the digital world keeps changing super fast, TikTok has become the go-to for Shopify users wanting to boost their brands big time. By 2024, TikTok ads will be essential for skyrocketing sales and getting your brand noticed.

But how do you really make the most of this giant opportunity with your Shopify store? Navigating TikTok advertising can feel like a mystery, packed with secrets just waiting for smart digital marketers to crack them open.

Imagine tapping into an audience of millions, crafting campaigns that resonate on a deeply personal level, and watching as your Shopify store transforms from a hidden gem into a household name.

This isn't just a dream; it's a tangible reality for those who know how to navigate the vibrant world of TikTok Ads. With the right guidance, creating in-feed ads that captivate, engage, and convert becomes more than just possible—it becomes effortless.

Where do you begin? How do you craft a TikTok Ad that cuts through the noise, capturing the hearts (and wallets!) of a scrolling audience? The answers lie within these pages.

Quick Guide to Creating and Optimizing TikTok Ads for Shopify Stores

Before diving deep into how to use TikTok Ads to boost your business, let's first get down to the very basics.

TikTok Ads Manager organizes ads into three levels: campaigns, ad groups, and ads.

Presently, TikTok Ads Manager offers two ad formats: images and videos. The format and specifications of your ads will vary based on their placement.

Here is a quick guide on how to set up your TikTok Ads, how to create a campaign, and how to view its performance.

How to Link your Shopify Store to TikTok Ads Manager.

To set up paid marketing on Shopify for TikTok, log into Shopify's admin and navigate to the TikTok sales channel to initiate ad creation.

You'll need to connect or create a TikTok For Business account, a Business Center account for managing assets like Pixel and Catalog, and a TikTok Ads Manager account for campaign creation.

Choose your preferred level of data sharing (Standard, Enhanced, Maximum) and install the Shopify pixel for ad performance tracking.

The TikTok pixel is necessary to track the events and conversions on your Shopify store based on the clicks from your TikTok Ads.

You can generate a new pixel by selecting "Create Pixel" or if you've already got one, just link the existing pixel to your Shopify Store.

Finally, enter your business location details in the Company Information section and confirm to complete setup.

How to Create and Optimize a TikTok Campaign

Haven't set up your TikTok Ads account yet? No stress—it's super easy.

After logging into TikTok Ads and adding your payment details, you can proceed with campaign creation.

Go to the Campaign tab and click “Create.” If it’s your first time creating digital marketing ads, we suggest choosing the “Basic” campaign type, but if you have enough experience, go for “Advanced.”

Let’s choose advanced here.

In the new page, choose your objective. For product promotion, opt for Product Sales to target actions directly leading to sales, ensuring your product catalog from Shopify is linked.

Create an ad group within your campaign, then fine-tune targeting based on demographics, interests, and behavior, ensuring ads reach the intended audience.

Set a realistic budget, daily or total, and schedule your ads according to peak times identified from sales data or test different schedules for optimal reach. TikTok imposes a minimum daily based on your location, though, typically around $20 to $50 a day.

Finally, choose an optimization goal: whether Landing page view, Click, or Conversion. Some say you should opt for Click first, then move to LP view, then to Conversion later on in order to “warm up” your pixel. But of course, the strategy is up to you. I suggest testing all 3 to find which one works best if you have the budget for it.

Click "Continue” to move to the ad creation page. Here, you can use the Video Creation Kit for templates or promote existing videos from your TikTok page as Spark Ads.

You can link your TikTok profile to boost posts directly and even use content from influencers by requesting permission via a TikTok postcode. Don’t forget to use an engaging and clear CTA—some users need to be told what to do next.

We recommend incorporating relevant keywords and hashtags for visibility.

Before launching, review all details and submit for TikTok's approval.

Once live, monitor performance through TikTok analytics to adjust targeting, creative elements, or budget as needed.

How to Research Competitor TikTok Ads using Anstrex In-stream

You now know the basic steps in creating a video ad for your Shopify store. The only thing missing now is a concrete strategy. Even something as simple as video ideas for your products may seem daunting.

Digital marketing, especially TikTok Ads, is super competitive. Keeping an eye on what your competitors are up to can pay off, so having a TikTok Ad spy tool can be handy.

Imagine being able to dissect the most successful TikTok ads in your niche, understand their strategy, and then use those insights to supercharge your campaigns. A spy tool does exactly that.

It gives you a behind-the-scenes look at what's working (and what's not), helping you craft ads that resonate with your audience, maximize engagement, and skyrocket your return on investment.

In the dynamic arena of TikTok advertising, a spy tool isn't just helpful; it's your secret weapon to stand out and thrive.

Anstrex In-stream is this awesome tool that lets you peek at your competitors' TikTok Ads and get ahead of the game. It has a free account, so you can see for yourself how you can use it for your e-commerce business. Sign-up here.

There are several ways to check how other Shopify businesses promote on TikTok using Anstrex; let’s explore them.

Search by Creative Using Filters

This is the easiest way to find video ad ideas. You have several options for finding the right creatives, but let’s discuss using filters first.

Upon logging in, you’ll be at the Top Creatives tab by default. There are four other tabs available:

  • Top Products
  • Top Stores
  • TikTok Products
  • TikTok Shops

All these tabs are useful for researching e-commerce products and competitors.

Let's go with Top Creatives for now. Here, you'll find a list of ad creatives, with the most recent ones at the top.

Our database has more than 5 million TikTok video ads, with more being added everyday, so simply scrolling down would do you no good. That's where our filters can come in handy.

There are 8 basic filter options and one Sort option, as shown below:

Platform options include Android App, BigCommerce, Shopify, ClickFunnels, etc. If you want to focus on just Shopify, choose that.

Next is the Geo filter, which lets you narrow down results to your country of choice.

The Language filter is especially helpful for finding creatives that are not written in English. As we all know, TikTok operates in different countries worldwide, and the advertisers there use their language to reach the locals.

The CTA filters the Call to Action used by the advertisers. Common CTAs, such as ‘Apply Now,’ ‘Book Now,’ ‘Contact Us,’ ‘Get Showtimes,’ etc., are listed on the dropdown menu.

The OS lets you filter the audiences' operating systems on their devices, such as iOS and Android. You will immediately notice that there are more Android users than iOS users.

The Age button allows you to target specific age groups in which a particular ad is being shown.

The Interest dropdown menu lets you choose the interests the audiences are interested in, such as Apparel and accessories, Appliances, Games, and Home Improvement.

The Ads Type button only has two choices: Single Ads and Spark Ads.

The Sort button allows you to filter your search results based on the following parameters: longest running, highest engagement, most like, most popular, most views, First seen (ascending and descending), and Last Seen (ascending and descending).

You can also filter your search based on the sliding bars for 'Days Running,' 'Total Likes,' 'Popularity,' and 'Like Rate. ' You can set the minimum and maximum of these parameters however you want.

Search by Creative using Keywords

With Anstrex In-stream, you can easily search for TikTok video ads using one or multiple keywords. This is a good option for those who have products or niches in mind.

Now, there are two kinds of searches that you can do in Anstrex In-stream. These are:

  1. Basic Search

  2. Advanced Search

Let us focus on the Basic Search first.

Basic Search

To begin a search, click the Search button on the upper right portion of the screen. A small window with the phrase 'BASIC SEARCH' will appear after clicking the Search button.

Under the search bar, multiple radio buttons correspond with different fields. They are:

  • Creative Text

  • Translated Text

  • Advertiser Name

  • Landing Page Text

  • Landing Page URL

  • Landing Page Domain

  • Creative URL Chains

The Creative Text allows you to search for any keyword in the creative text field of every Tiktok Ad. For instance, if you want to look for the word 'camping,' all you have to do is click the Creative Text radion button and hit 'Search.' The search engine will look for TikTok Ads with the word 'camping' in the creative text field.

Next is the Translated Text radio button. As we all know, not all TikTok Ads are written in English. But with this search feature, you can now see the creatives relating to the keyword even when they are not written in English.

In the search bar, you can enter the English keyword you wish to search then choose the Translated Text option. You will then be shown the results with the keyword's original language and their corresponding English translation.

Meanwhile, the Advertiser Name radio button lets you search for a specific advertiser. This is helpful if you want to monitor a competitor's ad strategies or see all their ads in one place.

You must remember, however, that this search feature is used if you already know your competitors' advertiser names.

Next is the Landing Page Text, a feature that allows you to narrow down results based on the content of your competitors' landing pages. Anstrex has indexed every landing page in its database, so you can find ads based on the LP’s content.

The Landing Page URL radio button allows you to search ads based on competitors' URLs. This search option is beneficial if you are looking for a specific item. The same goes for Creative URL Chains.

On the other hand, the Landing Page Domain radio button can be used to search for your competitors' creatives if you already know their domain name and don’t know their TikTok profile name.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature on Anstrex In-Stream significantly enhances your ability to locate TikTok video ads that meet very specific criteria.

Unlike the Basic Search, Advanced Search introduces a powerful boolean function that allows for combining various ad attributes using "AND/OR" operators. This level of granularity ensures that advertisers can drill down to the most relevant ads by precisely matching a combination of attributes.

With more options than the Basic Search, Advanced Search boasts 21 selectable attributes, which are:

  • Ad type
  • Advertiser name
  • Age orientation
  • Country
  • Creative text
  • CTA Button
  • Date first seen
  • Date last seen
  • Days Running
  • Interests
  • Landing page domain
  • Landing page text
  • Landing page URL
  • Language
  • Like rate
  • OS Type
  • Platform
  • Popularity
  • Total Likes
  • Translated Text
  • URL chains

This array of options grants unparalleled flexibility, enabling users to search for ads based on complex combinations of attributes.

For instance, you can search for ads targeted at a specific age group, within a given country, and relating to particular interests, all at once.

This capability makes it infinitely easier to conduct thorough market research, track competitor activities across demographics, and discover successful ad strategies that resonate with your desired audience segments.

Understanding Creative Results

Before we proceed to other search options, let us first discuss the ad creative results. The simplest way to do that is by using an example. Here's an ad creative that shows up when searching for Accessories and Apparel in Australia.

The first two dates on the top of the ad card are ‘Date First Seen’ and ‘Date Last Seen.’ The Advertiser's Name follows this, and under that is the creative text.

If you look closer, you will see an ellipsis or three dots after the ad text. This is because there is more to the creative text but it’s hidden by the preview box's limitation.

If you click the creative itself, a bigger panel will appear where you will see the full video and complete information about the TikTok Ad you are looking at, including the age targeting, like rate, ad type and more. You can even download the video if you want to use it for your own ad (if it's a generic one that you can use for your products).

It even shows the actual TikTok URL and Landing Page URL. Clicking on these links will take you to the actual pages and have a look at viewer comments and more. Here's how our sample video ad actually looks:

The Creative info page also contains other tabs, which are:

  • Analytics - advertising data collected for this ad;
  • Other Ads - ads from the same advertiser;
  • Landing Pages - other landers for the same ad;
  • Geo - where the video is being promoted;
  • Age - age group being targeted by the ad.

Search by Products

In thius tab, you can find different products that are being promoted on TikTok. You can click on a Product Card and view all the different ways it is being promoted and all the different advertisers promoting it.

This is a great way to search if you want to see ad variations for a specific product.

You can limit the results by clicking Likes, Price, Views/Impressions, Number of Ads, Like Rate, and Duration. I suggest sorting them in descending order to show the top-performing ones first.

You can filter based on the country using the Geo filter if you are looking for top products from specific locations only.

You can launch your product search by clicking the Search button on the left side of the screen. There are only two options for basic product keyword search: Product Title and Product Description.

The Advanced Search option for the Top Products tab has different options than that of Top Creatives, although it works in the same manner.

And when choosing a product card, you will be able to view general information on the product, images associated with it, and of course, the different TikTok Video Ads promoting the same product.

Search by Stores

Here, you can research based on stores. It works great if you know who your competitors are and you want to see what products they promote on TikTok and more importantly, how they promote all their products.

Your filter options here include Platform, Category, Geo, Supplier Match, and Sort. For those focusing on dropshipping, we recommend enabling any of the options under Supplier Match, which limits stores down to those that sell products from AliExpress, DHGate, and Banggood.

You can further refine your search by clicking on the Days Running, Global Rank, Likes, Number of Products, and Views of a particular store you wish to look at.

When checking a store card, you'll find all relevant information about a store—even data that is not related to TikTok Ads.

For instance, you'll be shown all the Geos where the store's traffic is coming from, visitor demographic, referral sources, paid and organic search traffic, products, and of course, InStream Ads running for this store.

Real-life Examples from Anstrex In-Stream Ads

Now that you have a basic grasp of how to search for TikTok Ads by Shopify stores, let’s take a look at some real-life ad examples.

Let’s analyze everything—from the video ads, text descriptions, target options, and landing or product pages. You’ll find everything you need to understand about how other Shopify stores advertise in TikTok.

Example #1: Camping Gear (Sports and Outdoor)

Let us do an advanced search using the keyword “camping.”

Let's use Advanced Search to immediately narrow down the results.

First, select Shopify from the Platform dropdown button. You can also select from any available e-commerce options on the list in case you think your competitors may be using other e-commerce platforms.

Then let's use the keyword 'camping' for the creative text.

Finally, let's sort the results by Popularity in Descending order (so that the best ones are at the top first).

Let’s take a closer look at one of the top ad cards.

The advertiser’s name is BOXIO, which sells a portable sink. The creatives were initially written in German. The ad ran for three days, from October 19, 2023, to October 23, 2023.

It has a like rate of 1.84%, which is a pretty good result for this category. This ad targets all age groups, thus increasing its chances of being seen by everyone on TikTok.

In the 31-second video, we see a man opening the back of his camper van and installing a wooden platform.

He then proceeds to show us how BOXIO-WASH portable sink, can be used. In short, this is a demonstration video.

Here's what the actual video looks like:

@myboxio BOXIO - WASH: Dein mobiles Waschbecken #boxio #vanlife #camping #outdoor #fy #viral ♬ Originalton - BOXIO

The creatives portion of the ad card does not contain any CTA or call to action. Instead, it contains hashtags such as #boxio, #vanlife, #camping, #outdoor, #fy, and #viral, which helps the advertiser generate views from other users that use these hashtags for their search or are recommended to their For You Page by Tiktok based on their past activity.

If you click the ad card and look at the Other Ads portion, you will see that four related advertisements promote the BOXIO-WASH portable sink. It is promoting one product, but the store is using multiple ad variations to possibly determine which ad type converts best for them.

Example #2: Power Bank (Gadgets and Accessories)

Let us do an Advanced search for something under the Gadgets and Accessires category, which is one of the most popular and best-selling category in the video social platform. Let’s go for the keyword “power bank.”

Click the Search button, then choose Advanced Search. We’ll search using Creative Text for "power bank", then combine it with Shopify on the Platform dropdown button (or All E-commerce). Let's then select Search.

You are now shown with the results similar to this one:

Now, let us choose from the results and analyze one.

Let's go for this one from KPK Imported Collection from Pakistan. It ran only for 2 days, first seen on Feb 15, 2024, and last seen on Feb 18, 2024, but it received over 400 thousand views and a popularity rating of 5.7 thousand.

Quick note: The higher the popularity rating, the better.

On the creatives portion, you will see the key phrases ‘Free Home Delivery,’ ‘Cash on Delivery,’ and ‘Open Parcel Before Payment,’ indicating the shipping and payment method for buying the product showcased in the advertisement.

These are useful for attracting buyers since you have a lot of competition and want to tell your target customers all the possible benefits of buying from you.

The age targeting (18 to 25 years old), the device on which the advertisement was shown (Android users), the country it was shown in (Pakistan), and the platform the advertiser uses (Shopify) is indicated.

In the 24-second video, a man discusses the solar power bank. The language is localized to the target country. The video does not contain music or audio except for the man's voice.


Lot Import Solar Power Bank || Free Home Delivery || Cash On Delivery

♬ original sound - Brother Import - KPK Imported Collection

This advertisement does not use hashtags, possibly limiting the brand’s visibility. Without hashtags, the audience will have limited ways of engaging with the advertiser. However, it did not stop the ad from performing well.

Now, let’s take a look at the other information. As you can see, it has a like rate of 1.34%, which is pretty good for an e-commerce product. It is also a Spark Ad, which means it’s posted in the advertiser’s TikTok profile, allowing it to gain additional views organically.

Checking the Analytics tab, we can see that the ad indeed performed well during its advertising period. Now that the ads have stopped, it’s anyone’s guess whether the results were worth the ad spend.

Now, let’s look at the Other Creatives tab, where we can find all other video ads from the same advertiser.

It seems that the advertiser did not create ad variants for the same product but instead promoted multiple ads for different products from their brick-and-mortar shop.

Upon checking the landing page, we see it is very plain. However, it has a countdown timer to increase urgency and customer reviews to increase buyer confidence.

It can still be improved by applying some Product Page best practices.

Example #3: Makeup Organizer (Beauty and Skincare)

There are different keywords that you can try within the beauty category. You can search using the Interest option of Beauty and Personal Care.

However, if you search without a specific keyword in mind, you will get broad results, which means you will still get hundreds of thousands of ads.

So let's make it simpler by focusing on makeup products and accessories advertised on TikTok. I'll be using the keyword phrase 'makeup organizer'.

Here are the results:

Let's choose one to analyze.

We chose this advertisement for a makeup stack. As you can see, this particular ad has more than 850 thousand Total Views on TikTok.

It was first seen on October 29, 2023 and was last seen on February 16, 2024. The age targeting is for all, meaning everyone on TikTok, regardless of age, can see it.

The 51-second video encourages people to see how a simple makeup organizer neatly packs a lot of makeup types. There is no pop music in the background; just the demo of the product as talked about by the founder of the store named Subtl.

Also, as you can see, it is a reply video, which means the page replied to a comment by a viewer. This style encourages continuity as the viewers of the previous ad will jump to this one for the answer to their comments.

It also encourages users to view other videos on the Advertiser's page, thereby increasing reach organically.

Have a look at the actual video:

@subtlbeauty Replying to @stacyac62 im so glad youre loving your stak! I wish i could tell 2017 rachel that we would be getting comments like this from customers, because at the time, it felt like “stackable makeup” was just a crazy moonshot. Thank you for making my week#womenownedsmallbusiness #womensuportingwomen #subtlbeauty #makeupstack #makeupstak #stackablemakeup #subtl #subtlstak ♬ original sound - Subtl Beauty

This ad uses many hashtags, which is particularly useful if you want your ad to make a bigger impression.

Phrases like #womenownedsmallbusiness, #womensuportingwomen, #subtlbeauty, #makeupstack, #makeupstak, #stackablemakeup, #subtl, and #subtlstak do a good job bringing relevance to the product. It combined generic hashtags with brand-related hashtags for brand awareness.

Final Word

In the bustling world of e-commerce, keeping ahead means always innovating and staying savvy about the competition. A spy tool becomes an absolute must-have in your digital marketing arsenal. When it comes to TikTok Ads, Anstrex In-stream is a top-notch choice. Its advanced search features and collection of more than 5 million TikTok video ads make it an essential tool for any business eager to make a mark on the platform.

Giving you a sneak peek into your competitors' strategies on TikTok Ads empowers you to adapt, innovate, and, ultimately, outperform. We hope the insights you gleaned here can transform your approach and make your ads more impactful and engaging.

Remember, in a sea of digital advertisers, those who leverage smart tools like Anstrex In-stream don't just keep up; they lead. Start spying, and start winning! Try it free today.

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