Promoting E-commerce Products through Native Ads Promoting E-commerce Products through Native Ads


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' Native Ad Campaigns?

Our spy tools monitor millions of native ads from over 60+ countries and thousands of publishers.

Native advertising has become one of the most popular and effective ways to promote e-commerce offers. By using native ads, businesses can reach their target audience quickly and easily, and can likewise increase conversion rates and purchases.

With the right game plans in place, online businesses can maximize their ad campaigns to generate higher returns on investment. But not all can easily grasp the potential of native ads.

If you're one of them — fret not. This blog post will look at the best ways to promote your e-commerce products in native advertising platforms.

But first, let us discuss why you need to use native ads for your e-commerce offers in the first place.

Why Use Native Ads for E-commerce?

For the online shopping industry, native advertising should be considered an important tool within your digital advertising arsenal. Native ads integrate more seamlessly into their surrounding content, allowing you to advertise unobtrusively but with maximum engagement and reach.

Moreover, the organic quality of native ads gives them a gesture of trustworthiness and suggestiveness, gently guiding users toward a conversion without hard selling tactics.

Native ad campaigns can be tailored to different audiences, from newcomers unfamiliar with your brand to loyal customers who have already made purchases from you in the past.

If you set the targeting filters right, your ads will be seen by the right people at the right moment, effectively increasing conversions and decreasing audience fatigue. Additionally, research has shown native ads command greater attention than other online advertisements.

To increase click-throughs and conversions for your e-commerce site, native ads could be just the ticket. They are designed to blend in with the content of a page, using visuals that don’t stand out but still draw attention.

By appearing so natural, they can help visitors understand your message before they know it’s an ad. Plus, when strategically placed in high-traffic areas, these ads will likely be seen and clicked on by potential customers who may convert into lifelong patrons.

Native ads also build trust with visitors as they don’t look like traditional sales-y advertising materials and provide the necessary context for customers to make a purchase decision without feeling pushed or tricked. Think about seeing a post on your social media feed. Since it appears naturally, you trust it more.

By employing an effective native ad campaign that captures a user’s interest and intents, e-commerce businesses can ensure sustainable sales growth with minimal expense or effort.

Wouldn't that be great?

7 Tips When Promoting Your E-commerce through Native Ads

To determine which method works best for your company when promoting your e-commerce store via native ads, you'll need to consider both your brand identity and who it is that you are trying to reach.

Here are a few useful tips to help you get the most out of native ads:

1. Choose the right ad network.

Let us drive the point home: The right platform can differentiate between success and failure regarding efficient ad spending and return on investment.

We're not just talking about having access to different audiences, either — certain platforms boast good customization options that will give your ads that “extra something” needed to stand out.

With native advertising, you don't want to push your wares onto anyone.

You must tailor each ad's message so it has a greater chance of resonating with potential customers.

However, when selecting a native ad network, it's essential to research and determine which one will best meet your business needs. All networks provide various features and services, so make sure you find the one that offers all you require.

Here’s what you should look for in a native ads platform:

  • Large traffic volume. You need millions of views daily so that you will always have traffic to your website.

  • Wide reach. Your preferred affiliate network must be able to show your ads to the demographic you prefer, such as geolocation and age group.

  • Easy to navigate interface. As they said, time is gold. If you get stuck learning how to navigate on the dashboard or interface of the native ads platform, then it is not worth your time and effort.

  • Affordable deposit. The platform you are considering should have a minimum deposit of $100 to $200.

Another criterion to look for: the network should allow you to choose publishing websites or at least the publisher IDs so you can turn off websites that don’t work for you and increase traffic from websites that convert.

Don't underestimate the power of a platform tailored perfectly to fit your needs. Being able to reach your target audiences promptly really goes a long way!

2. Determine your native advertising goals.

You must set measurable goals to ensure your native advertising strategy is on track. You want to guarantee that your campaigns are supplying a return on investment (ROI) and meeting their intended purpose.

Before jumping into native ads, it is a good idea to consider what tangible benefits you would like to see.

Being clear about your goals before embarking on an advertising campaign allows you to stay focused so that when the time comes to measure the success of your efforts, you have something tangible against which to compare.

3. Know your target audience.

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, the key to unlocking native advertising success is a profound understanding of one's audience.

It is like a puzzle; getting a firm grasp on their desires and necessities enables you to craft ads that not only catch the eye but leave a lasting impression on the consumer.

The secret ingredient? Designing native ads that feel custom-made for your audience, as if each one were crafted with love and insight into their very soul.

To hit this level of mastery, you must dive into the depths of your customer demographics by knowing their geographical location, website preferences, the types of devices, and particular Operating Systems they are using, among others.

This is the only way that you can come up with a sturdy game plan for campaigns that address their unique cravings.

Moreover, don't forget to analyze their behaviors and habits like a digital Sherlock Holmes. Achieve this delicate balance, and you'll have your audience lining up to click on your ads, fueling the well-oiled engine that is your e-commerce empire.

4. Write engaging content.

You know how important it is to engage your target audience with your native ads if you want them to take action.

Creative copywriting and compelling visuals must be incorporated into your promotions for your adverts to reach their full potential.

You need to find the perfect combination of catchy headlines, attractive visuals, and a story that emotionally resonates with the customers. The right message delivered in the right way can make all the difference!

It is not enough to provide information. Creating content that shows people why they should buy from you and why they need it is a must!

Keep your language lively and entertaining while ensuring accuracy. Remember that quality should never be sacrificed for quantity.

Here's one trick for creating good content: don't think like a businessman; think like a consumer.

After all, consumers are the ones who will be reading and engaging with your content. So, focus on creating content that is useful to them.

Research current topics in your industry and think about what questions people have that you can answer. Avoid technical jargon and complicated language; instead, use words and phrases that everyone understands. Also, keep your content concise, organized, and easy to read.

Here’s how to hook your audience’s attention:

Avoid using clickbait.

These days, it's hard to escape the onslaught of clickbait headlines across the internet. You know them well, I’m sure — the sensationalized titles that promise one thing and deliver something else entirely. While these tactics may drive initial clicks, they do little to build trust or establish long-term customer relationships.

Using clickbait in native advertising can be downright detrimental to your brand's reputation.

Nobody likes feeling deceived or manipulated, so why would you risk turning off potential customers before they've even had a chance to engage with your product or service?

It is important to remember that honesty and authenticity go a long way in building meaningful connections with your audience.

So if you want to create truly engaging content, steer clear of clickbait and focus on delivering on the promises you make in your ads. Your customers will thank you.

Use catchy titles.

Titles should be creative and eye-catching while conveying the ad's message quickly and effectively. Additionally, titles that are easy to understand and memorable can lead to increased engagement and an improved return on investment.

Here are some tips on creating catchy titles:

  • Include your target audience in the title. By mentioning your actual target audience in the ad copy, you can craft a title that speaks directly to them and increases their chances of clicking on the ad.

  • Use urgency. Craft an ad title that entices readers through urgency. Using countdowns or words such as “hurry!” or saying that your product is running out of stock or that a sale is ending is a good way to add urgency.

  • Numbers tell stories too! Using numbers in crafting native ad titles is important for several reasons. First, numbers can create a sense of urgency and immediacy, which entices readers to click on the ad.

Numbers also serve as a great way to highlight the benefits of a product or service--telling readers that they will get X number of benefits from a particular offering.

Finally, numbers provide an easy way to convey information quickly and make it easier for readers to scan and absorb the message they are being presented with.

  • Use mystery. Mystery can be impactful when creating titles because it helps to set the tone and give readers some anticipation before they dive into the rest of the content. A well-crafted title can invite conversation, spark curiosity and even generate excitement about what's yet to come!

5. Develop a landing page for your advertisements.

As an e-commerce store, you might already have a product page. However, a product page will not serve the purpose of a landing page. Imagine yourself arriving at a product page after clicking on a link from a content-based website — wouldn’t you be surprised? You might even click the Back button!

Developing a landing page is beneficial for promoting e-commerce through native ads as it can entice visitors in such a way that a native ad with a short description cannot.

What’s the difference between a landing page and a product page?

Product pages presents a product’s features, variations, technical specifications and more. It might even include customer reviews. The page usually shows an Add to Cart button.

On the contrary, a landing page is like a page devoted to a specific story revolving around how a product can be used. It usually prioritizes discussing the customer’s pain point that the product solves, which leads to better conversions.

While a product page talks about the product itself, a landing page can talk about the customer or another customer’s experience with the product. It can also be a news-like feature on how your product works.

Here are a couple of good examples of a landing page for an e-commerce product:

When a landing page is used with native ads, it enhances the likelihood that customers viewing it will follow through and purchase. It is an effective way to warm audiences up so they will intentionally visit the product page and make a purchase.

One thing to remember is that your landing page must focus on one product at a time. Think about how this specific product can solve your customer’s problems. Then create native ads that match the content of this landing page.

If you have several products, then you must choose the ones you want to promote in native ads and create a prelander for each of them. While this can take a lot of time, you can be assured of better results.

6. See what your competitors are up to.

Keeping an eye on what your competition is doing is essential when managing a successful native ad campaign for your e-commerce enterprise. Whether you're in the sales game or all about customer service, assessing who else is advertising the same products can provide significant insight into which messaging strategies are convincing customers, as well as which channels/websites or platforms will connect you with the most potential buyers.

What kind of images are they using to lure the viewers' attention?

How do they talk to their customers?

The answer lies in using one effective spy tool that can help you view what your competitors are up to — Anstrex.

Anstrex can help you discover what your competitors are doing regarding native advertising. By analyzing their ad copy, creatives, and landing pages, you can gain insight into what works and doesn't. This information can help you create better ads and improve your e-commerce marketing strategy.

To search for ecommerce products being promoted through native ads in Anstrex, simply use the Technology filter and select ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, Bigcommerce and Woocommerce.

Moreover, you can use Anstrex’s Dropship tool to recognize what products or services are trending within any industry. Who knows if you have a product that is in demand at the moment and you have no idea! You wouldn’t want to miss out on this opportunity, right?

7. Do it again!

Native ads are a repetitive process, so once your e-commerce native ad campaign is up and running and you see results, it doesn't mean you should stop there — quite the contrary!

By repeating the process and reworking your content in new iterations and styles, you can have an even greater impact on potential customers. It can be tiring, but once you get the hang of it, every process will be as easy as breathing.

And don't forget to measure the results of your campaigns! Looking at the results from your previous efforts can provide excellent insights into what pieces of content worked best or where more effort may be necessary. For even better results, retargeting can give your potential customers that extra nudge they need to complete their purchase.

Native advertising cycles are full of new opportunities to express yourself and get creative, so don't let them go to waste! The more time spent promoting through native ads, the more rewards you'll likely receive.

Wrapping Up

Native advertising for e-commerce is like a secret weapon for promotional offers; it can help you capture your target audience's attention and prompt them to take action. With targeted ads, strategic placements, and engaging content, the benefits of native advertising will quickly become clear.

Anstrex is a powerful spy tool for researching e-commerce promotions through native ads, providing numerous benefits to advertisers. With its advanced capabilities for competitor analysis, this tool can enable e-commerce businesses to achieve higher levels of engagement, conversions, and revenue.

By leveraging the insights and features of Anstrex, advertisers like yourself can create more effective native ad campaigns that resonate with your target audiences and drive sustainable business growth.

So get out there and start with native ads marketing! The promise of profits awaits.

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