The Surprising Reasons Why Your Native Ads Aren't Getting Views The Surprising Reasons Why Your Native Ads Aren't Getting Views


Picture of Dan Smith
Dan Smith


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' Native Ad Campaigns?

Our spy tools monitor millions of native ads from over 60+ countries and thousands of publishers.


Native ads have emerged as a game-changer in digital marketing, offering a seamless integration of advertising with content. Unlike traditional ads, native ads blend into the platform they appear on, providing a non-disruptive user experience. These can manifest as in-feed ads, paid search ads, content-recommendation widgets, promoted listings, and more.

Despite their potential for increasing engagement and achieving high click-through rates, many native ads fail to attract viewers. This failure often stems from common mistakes in native advertising that marketers might overlook.

Key takeaway: The benefits of native advertising are clear. However, without proper execution, even the most promising native ad campaigns can fall short of generating the desired results. Understanding the pitfalls is crucial for crafting effective strategies.

You can gain valuable insights into improving your native ad performance by exploring 10 charts that are changing the way we measure content. These charts highlight how measuring the effectiveness of content goes beyond just click-through rates and delve into key trends and metrics that shape successful native ad campaigns.

Additionally, you can seek inspiration from successful campaigns through tools like Anstrex. Anstrex allows you to spy on profitable native ads and gain a competitive edge by understanding what works in the market. With this knowledge, you can build winning native advertising campaigns while optimizing your advertising spend effectively.

Understanding Native Ad Failures

Native ads can be powerful tools, but their effectiveness hinges on several critical factors. When these elements are neglected, even the most promising campaigns can fall flat.

1. Lack of Relevance and Authenticity

A primary reason native ads fail is their lack of relevance and authenticity. If your ad doesn't resonate with the target audience or align with their interests, it's unlikely to capture attention or drive engagement.

How Misalignment Affects Engagement:

  • Target Audience Interests: Ads must speak directly to the needs and desires of your target demographic. If there's a disconnect, viewers may simply ignore the ad.
  • User Experience: The overall experience should feel seamless and natural. If an ad feels out of place, it disrupts the user journey and diminishes trust.

Examples Illustrating Lack of Relevance:

Imagine you're promoting high-end fashion products but targeting an audience interested in budget-friendly shopping tips. The disconnect between content and audience interests will likely result in low click rates and poor engagement.

Case Study Insight:

  • A fitness brand launches a native ad campaign featuring home workout routines. However, they distribute it on a platform primarily visited by tech enthusiasts. Despite high-quality content production, the misalignment leads to minimal interaction.

2. Poorly Designed Content and Format

Another common pitfall is poorly designed content that fails to engage users visually or contextually.

Key Elements of Successful Native Ads:

  • Compelling Visuals: High-quality images or videos that capture attention.
  • Seamless Integration: Ads should blend naturally within the platform's content without disrupting the user experience.
  • Non-disruptive Formats: Choose formats that enhance rather than interrupt the flow of information.

Effective Campaign Example:

A travel agency creates a series of beautifully shot videos showcasing exotic destinations. By integrating these videos into a travel blog as recommendations rather than traditional ads, they achieved higher engagement rates and longer reading times.

Case Studies Highlighting Success:

Examining successful campaigns can offer valuable lessons:

  1. BuzzFeed's Sponsored Content: Known for its listicles and quizzes, BuzzFeed seamlessly integrates sponsored articles that match its playful tone and style.
  2. The New York Times' T Brand Studio: Produces in-depth articles that tell compelling stories aligned with advertiser goals while maintaining journalistic integrity.

Ensuring your native ads are both relevant and authentically presented can significantly improve their effectiveness. By addressing these common issues—lack of relevance and poor design—you set the stage for more engaging and successful campaigns.

For more inspiration on how to create effective native ads, you can explore these 15 Native Advertising Examples to Brainstorm More Ideas that demonstrate how native advertising blends nicely within the main article content.

2. Poorly Designed Content and Format

When native ads fail to attract viewers, poorly designed content and format are often culprits. Effective native ads require compelling visuals, seamless integration, and non-disruptive formats.

Compelling Visuals

  • Visual Appeal: High-quality images and videos can significantly boost the click rate of native ads. Users are naturally drawn to visually appealing content, making it essential to invest in professional-grade visuals.
  • Consistency: The aesthetic should align with the platform on which the ad appears. For instance, an ad on Instagram should match the visual style typical of popular posts on that platform.

Seamless Integration

  • Platform Compatibility: Native ads must blend seamlessly into the host platform. This means matching not just the visual style but also the tone and format of regular content on that site or app.
  • User Experience: Ads that disrupt user experience or appear out of place can lead to immediate dismissal by viewers. Seamless integration ensures that the ad feels like a natural part of their browsing experience.

Non-disruptive Formats

  • Time Efficiency: Native ads should respect users' time. Shorter reading times and succinct messages are more likely to keep users engaged compared to lengthy content.
  • Interactive Elements: Adding interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, or sliders can enhance user engagement without being intrusive.

Case studies demonstrate how well-designed native ads drive engagement:

Spotify's "Wrapped" Campaign

Spotify's annual "Wrapped" campaign is a prime example of effective native advertising. It integrates seamlessly into users' experiences by summarizing their listening habits over the past year, presented in a visually compelling and shareable format. This approach not only captures attention but also encourages social sharing, amplifying its reach.

Airbnb's City Guide

Airbnb collaborated with local influencers to create city guides that blended organically with travel blogs and lifestyle websites. The guides featured high-quality images and insider tips, making them valuable content rather than overt advertisements. As a result, they achieved high engagement rates without disrupting the reader's experience.

Native ads demand meticulous content production to ensure they resonate with audiences. By focusing on compelling visuals, seamless integration, and non-disruptive formats, you can enhance your native ad campaigns' effectiveness and capture audience attention more effectively.

Enhancing Native Ad Engagement

1. Capturing and Maintaining Audience Attention

Native ads need to do more than just blend in with the surrounding content; they must captivate and hold the reader's interest. This is where storytelling, emotional appeal, and interactive elements come into play.

The Role of Storytelling

Storytelling transforms a simple advertisement into an engaging narrative that resonates with your audience. By crafting a compelling story around your product or service, you create an emotional connection with your viewers. Stories that evoke emotions such as happiness, nostalgia, or empathy are more likely to be remembered.

Example: A travel company might share a story about a family's unforgettable vacation experience. This not only highlights their services but also taps into the reader's desire for similar joyful experiences.

Emotional Appeal

Emotional appeal in native ads can significantly enhance engagement. Ads that elicit strong emotions are more likely to be shared and remembered. Emotionally charged content creates a deeper connection with the audience, making them more likely to engage with the ad.

Example: Charity organizations often use emotional appeal by sharing stories of individuals who have benefited from donations. This approach encourages viewers to contribute by tapping into their sense of empathy and compassion.

Interactive Elements

Interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or infographics can boost engagement by making the ad experience more dynamic. Interactive content invites users to participate actively rather than passively consuming information, thereby increasing attention minutes spent on the ad.

Example: A beauty brand could create an interactive quiz that helps users determine their skin type and recommends suitable products based on their answers. This not only engages users but also provides personalized value.

Practical Tips for Creating Engaging Native Ad Experiences

  1. Understand Your Audience: Conduct thorough research to identify what interests and motivates your target audience.
  2. Craft Compelling Headlines: Use headlines that grab attention and spark curiosity.
  3. Use High-Quality Visuals: Ensure your visuals are compelling and relevant to the content.
  4. Leverage Video Content: Videos are highly engaging; use them to tell your story effectively.
  5. Include Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Guide your audience on what steps to take next after engaging with your ad.
  6. Test Different Formats: Experiment with various formats to see which ones resonate best with your audience.
  7. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your native ads are mobile-friendly as a significant portion of users access content via smartphones.

By employing these strategies, you can create native ads that not only fit seamlessly within their environment but also capture and maintain viewer attention effectively.

2. Leveraging Social Media for Ad Promotion

The Power of Social Sharing

Social media platforms have become essential tools for promoting native ads. The power of social sharing is that it can boost your message naturally. When users share your content, it reaches more people and gains credibility through peer endorsements. This organic reach can greatly improve the effectiveness of your native ads.

Influencer Partnerships

Working with influencers can be a game-changer in maximizing the reach of your native ads. Influencers have built trust and connection with their followers, making their endorsements especially powerful. Partnering with influencers who share your brand values can ensure that your native ads are seen as genuine and interesting.

Targeted Promotion

Using targeted promotion strategies on social media is another effective way to improve the performance of native ad campaigns. By using detailed information about your audience, you can focus on specific groups of people who are more likely to be interested in your ads. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer advanced targeting options that let you reach users who are most likely to engage with your content.

Utilizing Data Analysis

Analyzing data is crucial for understanding how well your social media ads are doing. By keeping track of important numbers like click-through rates (CTR), engagement rates, and attention minutes, you can learn valuable information about what works and what doesn't. This data-driven approach helps you refine your strategies and make your native ads more effective overall.

Example: A company promoting eco-friendly products might notice higher engagement rates when their native ads are shared by influencers who advocate for sustainability. By analyzing these patterns, they can improve future campaigns to focus on similar partnerships and messaging.

Effective Strategies to Overcome Challenges

  • A/B Testing: Running multiple versions of your native ad can help identify which elements resonate best with your audience.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Using retargeting techniques ensures that users who have previously interacted with your content see relevant follow-up ads.
  • User-Generated Content: Encouraging users to create and share content related to your brand can boost authenticity and engagement.
"Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources." — Sean Gardner

By using these strategies, you can make the most of social media promotion to expand the reach and effectiveness of your native ads.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Native Advertising

Native advertising can be challenging to measure accurately. Unlike traditional ads, native ads often blend seamlessly into the content, making it difficult to track their performance. This can lead to inaccurate or misleading metrics that don't truly reflect the success of your campaigns.

The Challenges

  • Attribution: Determining how much of a conversion is due to your native ad versus other marketing efforts can be complex.
  • Engagement Metrics: Measuring clicks alone isn't sufficient. Understanding user engagement, time spent on content, and interaction quality is crucial.
  • Platform Variability: Different platforms offer varying degrees of analytics and tracking capabilities, complicating cross-platform comparisons.

Recommended Measurement Approaches

  1. Holistic Analytics: Use comprehensive analytics tools that provide insights into user behavior beyond just click-through rates (CTR). Tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics can help.
  2. A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to compare different native ad variations and identify which elements drive the most engagement.
  3. Heatmaps: Utilize heatmaps to visualize where users are spending their time on your content, helping you understand what elements are capturing attention.

Case Study: Chartbeat

Chartbeat, a content intelligence company, faced challenges in measuring the effectiveness of their native ads. They needed a way to accurately attribute success and optimize performance based on real user engagement data.


  • Data-Driven Optimization: Chartbeat adopted data-driven strategies to refine their native ad campaigns. By analyzing engagement metrics such as scroll depth and active reading time, they gained deeper insights into user behavior.
"We shifted our focus from just clicks to meaningful interactions," says Tony Haile, CEO at Chartbeat.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Implementing real-time analytics allowed them to make immediate adjustments to their campaigns based on current performance data.


Chartbeat's data-driven approach resulted in:

  • Increased user engagement
  • Higher conversion rates
  • More accurate attribution of campaign success

Their experience underscores the importance of leveraging advanced metrics and real-time data to optimize native advertising efforts.

Ignoring the Power of Social Sharing Behavior

Understanding and leveraging social media sharing behavior is crucial for maximizing the reach and impact of your native ads. Social sharing can significantly amplify your message, but it requires careful analysis and strategic implementation.

Analyzing Social Media Content Sharing Behavior

  1. Identify Key Influencers: Determine who the key influencers in your niche are and understand what type of content they are likely to share.
  2. Content Virality Factors: Analyze what makes certain pieces of content go viral. Emotional appeal, relevance, and timeliness often play significant roles.
  3. Engagement Patterns: Study how users interact with shared content on various platforms. This includes likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement levels.

Leveraging Social Sharing for Native Ads

  1. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who can naturally integrate your native ads into their content, enhancing credibility and reach.
  2. Targeted Promotion: Use targeted social media ads to promote your native content specifically to audiences who are likely to engage and share it further.
  3. Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements such as polls or quizzes within your native ads to encourage more shares and higher engagement.

Case Study: BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed excelled at leveraging social sharing behavior by creating highly shareable native content that resonated emotionally with their audience.

"Our focus has always been on creating content that people want to share," says Jonah Peretti, CEO at BuzzFeed.

Key Strategies:

  • Emotional Resonance: BuzzFeed's native ads often tapped into emotions like humor or nostalgia, making them highly shareable.
  • Social Listening Tools: They used social listening tools to monitor trends and adjust their content strategy accordingly.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging users to create and share their own content related to BuzzFeed's campaigns amplified reach organically.

BuzzFeed's approach demonstrates how understanding social sharing behavior can lead to more effective native advertising campaigns.

2. Ignoring the Power of Social Sharing Behavior

Analyzing and leveraging social media sharing patterns is crucial for native ad success. In the digital age, where content can go viral within hours, understanding how your target audience interacts with and shares content on social media can make or break your native advertising efforts.

Key Areas Where Advertisers Often Go Wrong

Neglecting Emotional Triggers

Emotional content tends to be shared more frequently. Advertisers often fail to create emotionally compelling ads that resonate deeply with their audience.

Overlooking Data Analysis

Platforms like Chartbeat offer tools to measure content performance. However, many advertisers don't use these tools effectively to analyze which types of content get shared the most.

Ignoring Audience Segmentation

Different segments of your audience may share different types of content. Not tailoring your native ads to these segments can result in poor engagement.

Case Study: How UpWorthy Utilized Emotional Sharing

UpWorthy has become a case study in how emotional sharing can amplify native ad reach. Their strategy involves creating highly emotional and socially conscious content that compels viewers to share it with their networks.

Example: A video highlighting a social issue might include:

  • Strong Visuals: Engaging images or videos that capture attention quickly.
  • Emotional Storytelling: Narratives that evoke strong emotions like empathy, joy, or outrage.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Encouraging viewers to share the content to spread awareness.

By focusing on these elements, UpWorthy has been able to generate millions of views and shares, making their native ads highly effective.

Importance of Continuous Learning

Staying updated with industry trends in native advertising is essential. Platforms like BuzzFeed and Fractl continuously evolve their strategies based on the latest data on social media behavior. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Regularly Review Analytics: Use tools like Chartbeat to keep track of how your ads are performing in real-time.
  2. Update Your Strategies: Incorporate new findings from recent studies or case studies into your advertising strategies.
  3. Engage with Industry Experts: Follow thought leaders and participate in webinars or industry conferences to stay ahead of trends.

Understanding and leveraging social sharing behavior can significantly boost the effectiveness of your native advertising campaigns. The key lies in continuous learning and adapting based on solid data analysis.


Building successful native ad campaigns requires a keen understanding of both your audience and the platforms you utilize. Ensuring relevance and authenticity in your content is key to resonating with viewers. Effective design and seamless integration further enhance engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Relevance and Authenticity: Align your ads with the interests of your target audience.
  • Compelling Design: Use visually appealing and non-disruptive formats.
  • Engagement Strategies: Implement storytelling, emotional appeal, and interactive elements.
  • Social Media Leverage: Utilize social sharing and influencer partnerships for broader reach.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Measure performance accurately to refine strategies.

By focusing on these elements, native ads can achieve higher views, click-throughs, and conversions, fostering trust and credibility among your audience.

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